Computing and ICT
The world we live in is rapidly changing due, in a large part, to changes in technology. The way we communicate, gather news and information and even the jobs that are available have been transformed over the past decade.
At Blue Gate Fields Junior School teaching pupils to use online technologies safely is of paramount importance and is a fundamental component of our Computing curriculum. Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident and we focus on designing computer games and explore real world control systems, which enables pupils to experience coding, programming and de-bugging/problem solving.
Additionally, we take a cross-curricular approach to develop and enhance Information Communication Technology (ICT) skills necessary for children to be able to use and explore digital information, research, media, publishing and presentation in a discerning and effective way to empower them to become creative and independent learners.

Through teaching computing and ICT skills, we will equip children to participate actively and safely, using a range of equipment and resources, in an ever-changing world increasingly transformed by technology.
Planning is derived following a Scheme of Work which includes half termly units of work. The units follow the themes of Using Technology Safely, Coding and Programming, Computer Games and Real World Technology. Resources are planned for to ensure safe and suitable content. Termly consultant support is used to make sure that the planning and content remains current, relevant and appropriate.