
Drama is uniquely placed as a subject taught across all areas of the school curriculum. Used as a creative platform to enable, enrich and enliven subjects from Maths to History or PSHE. Children relish opportunities to explore their imagination and capability for play through Drama.

  • In Spanish, pupils perform short conversations, recite poems and sing songs with actions.
  • Pupils in Talk4Number groups use performance to rehearse and consolidate learning.
  • In History, children may collaborate to produce a still image of famous historical events.

Drama enables children to immerse themselves and imagine the personal experiences of those living during historically important times. Through whole school performance, class assemblies and creative projects, Drama is a creative catalyst that helps bring the curriculum to life.

Recent highlights include an immersive performance of Macbeth with the Young Shakespeare Company, and a dramatic retelling of the stories told by elders from the local community.
A performance by teachers brought a literacy text alive as Annie Edson Taylor was invited to tell the story of her life before the children wrote biographies.
Each year group works with a Performance Storyteller to bring a part of the curriculum alive, whether it is a story from literacy lessons or a link with a history topic.

Drama Therapy

Working with our Drama Therapist, year groups use drama as a therapeutic tool to explore emotions and relationships. These sessions have helped children to explore mindsets around learning, issues of relational conflict and difficult times of transition. Often, there are links made with our English curriculum and literature choices.

Drama Therapy and Parents

Drama therapy techniques are used to support parents with talking through issues, concerns or worries. Year 6 parents have particularly benefitted from drama therapy as a way of exploring their worries around the transition time between primary and secondary school.

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