Physical Education
At Blue Gate Fields Junior School, we believe that every child needs to have access to quality physical education development, in school, after school and in the wider community. Such opportunities are essential if children are to accumulate the skills, attitudes and knowledge to fully engage in physical activity for the rest of their lives. Learning isolated skills is only a part of becoming physically literate. Physical fluency of movement, adaptability and quickness of mind are at the heart of a physically literate child. Physical fluency of movement is the foundation stone to develop the self-confidence and self-esteem to engage in different and more challenging situations and provide the motivation to achieve their potential.
Our P.E. curriculum has been designed to help children to acquire progressive and developmentally appropriate knowledge, understanding, attitudes and physical skills. The schemes of work that we use offer wide-ranging, quality activities and tasks that are delivered with progressively complex and engaging challenges, combined with the knowledge and understanding of how to use skills in different situations. Our children grow confidence and ability to successfully use and adapt the skills, attitudes and knowledge required to meet challenges for healthy engagement in life-long physical activity. Some children will be able to achieve sporting excellence.
We use the Val Sabin Schemes of Work in which the aims of the National Curriculum for Physical Education are identified.

Documents to detail more about what we do, and why we do it:
Music Curriculum Overview